Saturday, June 13, 2015

1 - Not a Bad Way to Seize the Day

It was June 1, Monday, when we had the Freshmen Orientation for this school year 2015-2016. For me, it is very unusual in a way that everything was unfamiliar. Worst of all, I've never met my block mates until the first day of school came. To cherish the remaining moments of my summer, I decided to spend it in the most productive way possible. So, I played computer games the whole day long. I know everyone would think it is ridiculous but that is how I normally spend my day especially when there are no classes like in summer. Just deal with it; that is my definition of being productive in your own terms. Anyways, let us go back to the topic.

I woke up at 5 o'clock in the morning and then I instantly realized that it was my first day of school. Not to mention that I was a little bit enthusiastic while I'm preparing. Unlike any "first day of school" scenarios that I've already went through, this time, confidence somehow overflows within me. It is 6AM and I have to go otherwise, I will come late at school. The whole commuting thing is no joke. You have to get in line early for you to arrive early. And besides, no one wants to be marked as absent for their first subject. It is a good thing that I arrived at school on time. As I walked up the stairs, I've been wondering what comes next when I enter the classroom door. Something tells me not to go inside however, I cannot stay outside and wait until the teacher show up to everybody in class. Without hesitating to do so, I bravely entered the room and found a place to sit down. It was kind of an awkward situation because as you go inside, you will notice that the rest of the people sitting is staring at you momentarily. Aside from that, everyone is just sitting down and nobody is talking as if it is a blank room. The awkward situation was present until someone decided to break the ice. One of our classmate introduced his name to me and to everyone beside him. It is quite pleasant to meet someone you don't know before. We started to have a small talk but it didn't even last for 10 seconds. To be honest, everything is turning into my favor. And then the time has finally come for us. It's about time for our first subject. Our professor Ms. Minglana entered the room with a remarkable smile in her face. I was kind of surprised because she assigned everyone of us to make an introductory speech. Guess what, it is not about us but it is all about someone else. In short terms, we are going to work this out in pairs. There are two things that made me absolutely stunned: first is that I will be paring with someone whom I do not know yet and secondly, I hate speaking In English most especially in front of a bunch of people. On contrary,me and my partner still managed to pull it through even though our professor commented that both of our speeches are quite short and information-lacking. Despite of that, I am happily contented of what I have done. With this, I could confidently say that it is not a bad way to seize the day.