Sunday, July 5, 2015

2 - Self Introduction of Me, Myself and I

Unmistakably, I forgot to introduce myself in the first place before even posting my first blog post. So, I guess I will settle all of the unconfirmed information about my own self right here, right now.

By the way I am James Baldelomar and I am 16 years of age. If you were wondering about my full name, then don't even bother that because it doesn't matter. I graduated from Senator Renato "Companero" Cayetano Memorial Science High School or SRCCMSTHS for short. Quite long isn't it? In fact, when I introduced myself during the first week of our first term, everybody seems to be confused what the name of my school really is. Don't worry because I also went through that process of memorizing the whole name without breathing and stopping. You just have to get used to the eight-word name, that's all. Oops, did I just say "That's all"? I don;'t think so. Sometimes when there are test papers especially during the National Achievement Test or NAT and the National Careers Assessment Examination or NCAE for short, the name of the school is required to be filled out. And guess what, using abbreviations are not allowed so each and everyone of my batchmates will have to go with the same struggle of writing the whole name of our school on a limited space allotted on the paper. You might found it frustrating but you won't even give a damn at the end of the day so it's okay.

ANYWAYS, let's move back to the original topic ( I apologize for including the name of my school just to make this blog post look prolonged). I live in Makati City which is not too far from the campus ( which is three rides away from home actually). I was born at Sometime from January to December, a day from 1 to 31 and obviously, in the year 1999. To be honest with everyone I don't like my birthday to be publicized because of two reasons: I don't like celebrating my birthday and I wouldn't want to be responsible for everyone's free treat on my own birthday. It is not that I am cheap, it is just that I know how to value the value of money or should I say I'm a thrifty person.

Aside from being a thrifty person, I would gladly like to inform everybody about my personal characteristics and attitude. Emphasizing your positive traits first should be nice so I'll try to point them out first and foremost. I am a nice person. It is just not obvious because of my natural facial expression. I have a high tolerance among everything especially to those who need it most. I could say that I'm one of the enthusiastic and outgoing people out there. Lastly, I am confidently saying that I have a fair understanding to everything around me. Before I would introduce some of the characteristics of me that you might not like, I will point out just a few of my peculiar traits first. Some people might have disagreed with this but I am a introvert individual. Contrary to popular belief, introverts are also outgoing people like extroverts do. The only difference is that they tend to choose who should they stick, work and interact with. I think this should describe me perfectly when selecting the right people to hang out with because not everybody could simply be acquaintances with someone else. As far as I am concerned, I am a person who doesn't like gaining too much attention from a lot of people. Mostly, I like hiding my true capabilities so that people won't simply expect the unexpected. It is like having a different expectation outcome from they have expected. Just in case you haven't know much about the things you might not like about myself, let me point out some of those "Unpleasant" traits I possess. First and foremost, I am a very impatient guy especially when waiting on something that I'm not even interested with. For me, it is hard to cool your head off when you had too much of something; however, I still managed to pull it off by simply learning how to control your own temper. Second, I hate people who talk excessively. It is because of my quiet personality. I prefer to be silent most of the time and refrain from making too much noise. Last but not the least, i do not interact with people who seems to look illiterate. Please do not be offended of my statement. If you did get offended, then you might be considering yourself as an uneducated person. I'm not saying that I am a highly-intelligent individual among others. In fact, I consider myself as one the decencies, but not one of the mediocrities because going with the mainstream is too mainstream. Besides, using mainstream literally seems to be mainstream either. Imagine talking to someone who doesn't even knows what he/she is talking about. Would you like to have a conversation with this person continually? I hope you're with me who would say a BIG NO.

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