Saturday, July 11, 2015

3 - Sunday Morning, Rain is Falling

Sunday is considered as the day when people tend to rest from their work; in other words, Sunday is a day of Sabbath. With endless possibilities, you could do a lot of things within the day. You could have a walk in the park, go to your favorite store in a mall, play your favorite sport or game, spend a quality time with your beloved family and so much more. The rainy season has finally come. Spending the days might be a little different than how you do during the sunny season. But it seems to be that it's a merely identical thing, or isn't it? I think not. Regularly, our family would go to the church every Sunday of the week, month and year. Put it simply, going to church on a weekly basis is a familiar thing to us. What about you? How do you spend your weekend? Do you feel satisfied of what you are doing during that day? Well I hope you do enjoy your day completely.

It is absolutely pleasing to have some personal time every Sunday; however, there is something that lacks my day. It is something I desire to have or to do. Although Sundays could give me time to do whatever I want to do, something continuously bothers my discontented mind.  As I have mentioned earlier, Sunday is the day when you can make use of your own time for things you want to give attention to. For most people, they see Sundays as "Hurrah, I could finally do this and that" day of the week. But for me, or maybe as well as some people, Sunday is when I could relax and take a break for a while especially during the rainy season.

Let me share this statement which is mentioned by my blockmate in his blog. "As the raindrops slowly trickled onto my head on the way to school, I felt calm and, for no apparent reason, cleansed (mentally). It is as if all of the rage, hatred, pain, agony, despair, and noise in my head just got washed away. I felt calm, collected, and clean". I admire the way he achieved some sort of enlightenment in his state. Sadly, I cannot attain the relaxation that I want to desire in my emotional and mental statement. Now what I'm trying to point out here is that everyone can't simply do the things that they want in life. You might find my ideology deep but I'm just attempting to explain what I want to express. Many of us could spend a regular Sunday in different ways they would want to. I'm pretty contented of what I have but not of what I'm doing right now. It is just like wasting so much time on things that doesn't even matter at the end of the day. To tell everyone frankly, staring at your phone for hours, playing right in front of the computer, eating, taking a bath and sleeping does not sound very productive to make use of a regular day. Not only for Sundays, but the same thing goes for the rest of the days of the week. I hope one day, I could finally capture and figure out what is still missing in my life. But for now, my mind would just continue wandering what could it be. Besides, I still have a lot of blog posts to accomplish within the given deadline.

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