Monday, August 24, 2015

10 - Making Gaming Communities a Better Place

Computers weren’t much of a thing until its improvement and evolution led to a comfortable accessibility to most people. After years of technology’s continuous advancement, it eventually served many purposes in the daily living of every human. In the field of entertainment and gaming, computers were commonly used by those who are looking for amusement and enjoyment. Going straight to my point, I will be talking particularly about the vast and interactive community of gaming. Games can be played in different platforms and devices which makes them different from each other based on where they are played. This time around I will be discussing things pertaining to the games played on a computer desktop.

People prefer playing games of their choice and preference. In some instances, they would have a chance to meet someone with the same gaming taste. However, this does not mean that you can cooperate and interact well with a person you have just met on a game for a few minutes. If it happens that you are playing Single Player games, then you might want to skip reading this. On the other hand, those people who play Role Playing games (RPG), Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) or simply Multiplayer games should consider reading this blog post and learn from it.
I am not much of a hardcore gamer but I can give you tips based on my own experience on how to handle people with different personalities in

In a world full of assholes (Oops! Sorry for being brutally honest), there will always be a time that you will encounter people who you might not like. Specifically, there will always be people who can be either polite or rude. In a vast online community, you cannot simply teach someone a lesson due to two main reasons: You cannot convince anyone and you do not control their own behavior. In these kinds of situations, the best answer would be not tolerating their attitude by countering it with the same level of impoliteness and of course, stay quiet and do not talk as much as the annoying guy would do.
In some cases, you might meet someone who doesn’t have much knowledge about the game and somehow drags the team down. Gamers call these people newbies or noobs. I have played a lot of games and meeting with inexperienced people is always a familiar situation for me. Instead of blaming them of what they have done wrong, try to encourage them to perform better by teaching. Don’t forget to be polite others because people less likely to listen to those who are rude. Remember, everyone has been to that part. A professional player was once a beginner being taught by someone who already has an experience.

Always keep in mind that even you cannot change other people for the better, you can always make a change by starting it with yourself. Do not think what other people could do for you; instead, think what you can do for the community.


  1. No amount of effort will improve the gaming community. The world simply does not work that way

  2. The gaming community is really a toxic community, especially here in the Philippines. So much trash talk and bashers. The world is like tat and no matter how much effort you do to prevent this, nothing will happen because not all people have the capable to change.

  3. There are just community that doesn't believe in the truth that gaming really can improve things.
