Monday, August 24, 2015

11 - What Does it Take to be a Hero?

“What does a hero truly need? That is for you to decide, my friend.” This is a quote from a worldwide popular gaming platform which I will not need to mention anymore. If you were to be asked this question, what will you answer? Do you really assume that you are a hero; the reason why you are asking yourself of the things you truly need? Or is it that the question is not appropriate? Well, let me rephrase the quote into something which is logical to us. What does it take to be a hero? What are things that need to be considered for you to be called a hero? Do you have what it takes to be one? First let us know what a hero really is. A hero is said to be someone who shows or displays a wonderful, appreciative and courageous act which makes them highly recognized by people around them. It is quite similar to a friend where someone recognizes an individual as a person whom they trust or respect. But when we are talking about a hero, it is something which is higher in terms of standards. Going back to the question, what does it take to be a hero?

For me, a hero is recognized of his bravery. Just like all of our Filipino heroes, they have fought hard and showed enough courage to stand tall even against their odds. Also, a hero is considered to be a loyal person. Our national hero, Jose Protacio Mercado Rizal Alonzo y Realonda or simply known as Jose Rizal or Pepe, went to Spain to study more about the Spaniards. He expressed his loyalty by going back to his motherland and started a reformation against the persistent oppression of the Spanish Colonization. A hero never loses compassion to his people. The ever-helping and kind Melchora Aquino gladly assisted the wounded soldiers in battle. Having a warm heart to her fellow countrymen, she tirelessly served the army to provide a loving care for the brave true sons of our country. Lastly, a hero honors not only his people but also his beloved land where he was born and raised. Every Filipino hero that fought against the foreign invaders have what we call as patriotism or the love we feel for our country.

You don’t need to be a hero to have all of these characteristics. More to that, you don’t need to be a hero by doing big things for your people and country. Being a hero is found inside the heart of anyone who believes and knows that just by doing small things for the sake of others, you can be called as one.

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