Friday, August 21, 2015

8 - About A Week Ago

Few weeks ago, the Junior Philippine Computer Society announced the details of the upcoming SoCSIT Week. It was quite exciting since there will a plethora of activities that will be held for one whole week. This term holds many academic and extra-curricular activities for the SoCSIT students. During the fourth week, the English Department declared a Chants and Cheers contest which is open to the students who belong in the School of Computer Science and Information Technology. After securing a spot in the top three blocks (second place to be precise), we were quite relaxed and satisfied of the results despite of having certain difficulties while we were preparing for the actual competition. Moving on, several weeks have passed until the JPCS announced the opening of the SoCSIT Week. It was another week to get busy and have fun. After waiting for days, the long-awaited week has finally arrived.

First on the list is the opening ceremony of course. There is a small catch, the organization required every student to wear a 90's attire. It was kind of peculiar but it still compliments with the theme of the event which is "Bring IT back". It was no ordinary Tuesday morning when I went to school with a corporate attire. Upon entering the room, I have noticed that almost all of them wore the required attire. Since I have a rebellious and thuggish kind of attitude, I did it on purpose. Few hours before the opening ceremony, I came up with another foolish decision. I encouraged one of my classmates to go home and play computer games. Since I have a rebellious and thuggish kind of attitude, I didn't came up with that kind of thing in school. Instead, I already planned it way before the day has even started. And that is one of the stories of my life as a rule-breaker in college. Anyways, there are more activities waiting in queue for the next couple of days or so. Wednesday, Second Day of the culmination week, the JPCS organization also organized a sports tournament. Some of my blockmates participated in the basketball, volleyball even in the LoL tournament. The games were scheduled in such way that it will coincide with our subjects for that day. So, I came up with another evil plan. I pretended to be one of the players in our block who will be excused for the class. I was bored in the classroom somehow so I decided to take my nasty trickery into a whole new level. That is not all, my friends. The highlight for this year's SoCSIT Week is the 30 Seconds of Fame or Shame. It's a shame that I, together with my partners in failure, got a SHAME from the judges. Before the contest, something tells me that I shouldn't have attended and participated in the first place because of the unbearable embarrassment. But it is too late for regrets. During the annual event, the hosts who were used to be freshmen students like us told everyone that it is not necessary to participate. They just intimidated the students by simply telling them that it is required and graded. Too bad the deceiver has been deceived. That night, I remained silent until the next day due to the circumstances that I suffered that day. Overall, it is still a memorable week for me; a memorable week indeed.

1 comment:

  1. It was fun and memorable indeed! And I know we will remember the 30s fame or shame for the rest of our stay in APC. Also you are right about the activities and seminars, it is well-organized and very informative. By the way your title seems very familiar hahaha
