Sunday, August 16, 2015

7 - Midterm Madness

Midterms has finally arrived. Although I had the same feeling as with our first day in college, I have never expected that I would made it this far. After eight weeks of brutality, we managed to hold on and made it halfway through the first term. I have been hearing stories from some students who had an eventual conflict before the midterm exams strike. One week after the opening of classes, one of our block mate decided to drop out and transfer to another school. He explicitly stated that he cannot handle the burden being thrown to him. Presumably, that block mate of ours thinks that the pressure from all the subjects (not to mention English Subjects) are too difficult for him to accommodate. Almost every one of us were quite kind of surprised of his transferring of school. "But it has only been two days since we deal with these subjects. Why would you back down all of a sudden?" These are the words that came into my mind after hearing the decision he has made. Aside from that, we supposedly have another classmate for the term. Unfortunately, he never shew up from the first day of classes even until the moment I am writing this blog post. The only thing we knew from him is his name by the initials J.R.H. At the very least, both of them might have found the most suitable and comfortable school for themselves.

Anyhow, I am very thankful because I survived somehow and made it halfway through the term. Dealing with five English subjects feels harsh for each and every one of us in the SoCSIT. The worst part is that you have to take on each of them everyday for the rest of the term, for four hours each. Most of us felt bored and sick of it because of the fact that we can't simply put an interest into it. I mean we love to learn more about English and stuff but we don't have the capacity to acquire all of them very easily. Another thing is that taking in charge with a lot of English papers seems to be a tiresome and brain-consuming work. You have to consider your grammar, format, diction and vocabulary all at the same time. There would be a time that I could handle these kinds of work, but that time has not yet come. Perhaps a couple of years or so, my English communication skills would be enhanced and come in handy by the time I will need it the most, especially when I am on the stage of getting a job. Looks like we have got this far already. Thinking so much about this term makes me want to wonder how would I end up in the future. Well, I guess we'll just cross the bridge when we get there. Also, there will be more blog posts that needs to be done at once.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! It was totally a madness learning all those English term that was part of our subject. I mean, most of them are English! And, I feel you bro! It was a tiring weeks when the midterm started. Luckily, I passed all the exam in all the English term! And I know you did too especially in Public Speaking classes.
