Tuesday, July 14, 2015

4 - Pursuit of Happyness

If you have noticed that the word "happyness" is being misspelled, then you are aware enough of these kinds of vocabulary mistakes. Unfortunately, it wasn't accidentally misspelled. To be clear enough, it is intended to be spelled in that way. Although the spelling is incorrect, it has or it should be maintained in that manner because it has a deeper meaning.

Without further interruption, let me have the floor once again. If you will be asked to define happiness in one word, what word will that be? Hearing a lot of possibilities means that everyone has a different definition of the word happiness, which is true. Happiness is when the school bell rang at the dismissal time. Happiness is when you have finally achieved something you wished to accomplish a long time ago. Happiness is when you are having fun with your friends. Happiness can be defined within endless number of potential chances. It is because everyone could be happy at everything. Sad to say that, happiness cannot be easily attained. Opening your realistic side will let you realize that nothing in this world can be gained through effortless means. It that was the case, what does true happiness truly mean?

First and foremost, happiness is an unconditional feeling of a person who expresses a positive emotion that can be caused by many things. As what I have mentioned above, it can be defined within never-ending ways depending upon the person. However, not all the time a person would be happy. Is this a bad thing? Actually, it isn't. There should always be balance through everything that is inside the infinitely colossal universe. In short terms, all things should maintain balance. Try to imagine a person who is happy all the time. What I mean by all the time, I mean "ALL THE TIME." For me, I can't imagine because it is way too impossible to happen. The same thing goes to someone who is always feels an agony inside his/her heart. One does not always be happy neither sad. The story of the title is actually based in a true story. There is one kid who is being fetched by his father to school periodically. Everyday, the kid would ask his father about the banner hanging outside. He says, "Dad, why does happyness spelled wrong? It should be happiness right?" So far, that is the "etymology" of the title. The story lies upon the life of the kid and father as they work hard to live another day. After all of those struggles, they became successful at last. And in that day, they pursued their happiness. Life gives you problems sometimes. But always remember that it doesn't lend you every possible problem you can have. Life is always full of ups and downs. There are times of rejoice and times for sorrow. I would like to leave a note to everyone who would read this. True happiness isn't above how much you have in life, but how contented you are with the things you only have and with the ones you truly love. True happiness cannot be attained is one's self is not contented to his/her own. I found my true definition of happiness and hopefully, you will find yours too.

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