Saturday, July 25, 2015

5 - The Struggle is Real

As a part of our everyday lives, having struggles is something no one could avoid. It is true. Every people in the world will counter so many problems over and over for the rest of their lives because that is how life goes. However, you should not let your pessimistic side overcome your thoughts of handling problems in life. As the matter of fact, it could be a two-way process where someone encounters one and learns from the experiences he/she had from it.

"Losing does not mean that you failed; it means that you must try again with experience." This quote is mentioned by the Gaming Genesis Organization but I'm not sure if it precise. I actually agree with that and those who are reading this should be too. There are a lot of things that I tried to be good on. For instance, one of the famous sports, basketball. I haven't learned much anything about basketball until 5th Grade. But it took me two years to have a constant exposure to the game. Unfortunately, it is not enough for me to consider myself as a decent basketball player. Through the years, I persisted to play and learn more about basketball by playing with my classmates when I will be given a privilege to do so. Finally, after all those years of training and trying, I managed to succeed on my own goal. The hard work and effort I invested has finally paid off. I didn't aim to be a great player among others, but to be a great player to my own self. And there, ladies and gentlemen, is one of the struggles I went through during the past few years of my life and I hope that there is more to come. Well, life goes on and on and as you go, there will be some challenges that await you in the future. We people should get used to it because it is part of our daily lives. 

Sad to say, there is another problem that I have been struggling recently. And surprisingly, it is the fact that laziness hits me hard in the face when I am trying to accomplish the blog posts which must be passed at a given deadline. It is some kind of ironic that I still managed to made this one. Well, as I have said earlier, facing struggles is a part of your every normal day of your life. You just have to overcome and surpass it. Remember, you might meet challenges that you can't take. But you are wrong. They might look huge or small, yet everyone would still surpass it no matter what. It is because that is how life goes. I hope that through mentioning things about struggles, you won't give up on yours. No matter how big or small that problem is, believe in yourself that you could conquer it. The struggle might be real, but overcoming them is also real. Deal with it.

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