Saturday, July 25, 2015

6 - Why Students Need More "Space"

Every student follows the same routine when school days are up. They would normally wake up, take a bath, eat breakfast, get dressed and then go to school. For most students, it seems that it is normal and already part of their daily lives because they got used it, or aren’t they? They might get used to it; however, are they susceptible enough to handle a schedule which might not look or feel comfortable for them? Assuming that conclusions are immediately drawn, of course not all students would say that they could cope up with the schedule they have. If the schedule is not the problem for some students, then the dilemma has something to do with the study habits. Some might complain that their schedule affects their study habits negatively. This could be true for a large population of students. Some might also complain about having straight classes and less time on taking a break. But what does this have anything to do with an uncomfortable schedule?

According to recent studies, taking short breaks allows people to have a better performance whether in work, school and in home. For example, there are two groups that are assigned to memorize things within a given time interval. The only difference is that one group is tasked to work continuously while the other one will take short breaks then proceed back to work. It is quite surprising that the group of people who were asked to have short breaks tend to perform better and memorize more of the given things.

To be honest with you, it is true to most people. It is just that we never knew that it would benefit us in such positive way. At first, you might have the impression that taking short breaks would lead to longer breaks and eventually will result to having not enough time for work. Taking a rest has a couple of benefits only if they are used right. First of all, resting for a while soothes our minds and also refreshes them. And when they are refreshed, higher chances are they will function efficiently. This kind of principle applies to a lot of things. For instances, gadgets, appliances, machines, even animals themselves. So if you seem to feel tired and exhausted, it is highly recommendable to take a nap just for a few minutes and then wake up. This will increase the chances that you will have a better performance afterwards. Most importantly, taking breaks helps us to relax for a short time. Remember, you are a human, not a robot. Humans need rest in order to have a good utilization of himself/herself. So, when you are having a hard time with a problem, or you are loaded with a lot of paperworks, try considering a good and relaxing break to freshen up. You might not know what you can possibly do after having a nap for a worthwhile.

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