Monday, August 24, 2015

12 - Bountiful Beauty

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. There some things people appreciate while others do not. It might be due to the fact that they have different perception and definition of the word.  Regardless, people tend to be amazed by something that possesses what we call as beauty. Beautiful is an adjective that can be used to describe many things such a person, his personality, a thing, place and so much more. Everyone has a soft spot on someone they admire. He/she maybe your friend, relative, a teacher or even someone you have a crush on. But in this post, I would emphasize more of the beauty that I have observed from a place recognized by many of us here in the Philippines. This place is home to one of the rarest and critically endangered primates which is known as the Tarsier. It is the wonderful island of Bohol. The reason for this is that my family and I recently had our vacation there and I would gladly share my experiences during the past couple of days or so.
Before we had our vacation, I am still in the process of dealing with school works that needs to be done immediately and has to be passed at an upcoming deadline. Coincidentally, this blog is one of those things I am busy taking care of. After submitting all the requirements, I managed to have a good night rest and prepare for our departure the following day. It was my second time around having a vacation outside of Luzon. Also, it is another opportunity to experience a mind-boggling flight in an airplane. We haven’t arrived at Bohol yet but I was amazed of the bird’s eye view of the city. As we soar up in the sky, the white and lofty clouds gently touched the wings of the aircraft. There was a time that I wondered what it would feel like to be high up in the clouds. After all these years I have found an answer to my childhood question. As we arrive at the airport, I could already feel the wonderful atmosphere of the place. Hours later we began exploring the sceneries that can be found in the island. We have been on a tall pedestal and observe the astounding Chocolate Hills. I have never seen such natural scenery like it. We also went to a Tarsier Sanctuary where Wesaw a couple of these adorable and tiny primates. During the entire trip, we managed to see only two tarsiers. It is because that they are being strictly protected by the municipality due to its diminishing population. Lastly, we went to a local beach and enjoyed the ocean view while we were eating our lunch that afternoon and visited a small, hidden cave afterwards. The day after that, we flew back home here in Manila and everyone of us took a longing rest. Even though it was a vacation for only a few days, it was still worth remembering.

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