Monday, August 24, 2015

13 - A New You

Every people in the world had their own unique traits and characteristics. As time passes by, we develop new ones or sometimes we tend to change because of certain reasons. But there is one thing that cannot be change and that is the fact that each individual can affect each other's perspective in many things that may result to a sudden change in attitude towards them. Explaining it in simple terms, every one of us has the power to influence the behavior of people around us. However, the results can be different based on some circumstances. Not only people but also things, animals or something beyond imagination can influence someone's behavior towards his/her surroundings.
For example, a person becomes cheerful every time he/she cuddles his/her favorite pet dog. The dog releases a positive energy that renders its owner having a positive attitude during the process.

Moving on, I would like to share my personalities and how people and things affect my behavior. When it comes to particular people, there a lot of them in the list to mention. First and foremost, my beloved parents. Scientifically speaking, I might have inherited some genes from my parents that contributed to my whole personality right now. As far as I have known, my mom is a thrifty woman while my father is a highly-organized man. Surprisingly, I inherited both of the genes which makes me a thrifty and a neat person. My parents also raised me as someone they wanted me to be. Because I grew up in a Christian family, Mom and Dad taught me valuable virtues and traits that I should possess. As I grew from time to time, I became a morally-upright kid and applied every good things that my parents taught me from the past. Speaking of parents, there is what we call as our secondary parents. Everyone would not forget to thank their teachers for what they have done for us. Values were taught not only in home but also in school. In addition to that, teachers implement rules and regulations that students like me should follow. In school, we also learned how to be industrious, punctual, helpful and most importantly to be polite. Last but the least, there came your friends and other acquaintances. To tell you frankly, your friends help you balance both of your good and bad sides. I am not saying that the influence you in a negative way. Learning bad things is actually not completely a bad thing. Instead, this makes us to realize that there are things in this world that everybody needs to understand. Nobody would be an innocent for a lifetime, I tell you. Th reason that I titled this post as "A New You" is because that I have a lot of bad habits that needs to be replaced with good habits instead. I might not have the ability to change myself but I hope there would be someone to help me out.

1 comment:

  1. This one is well-written, nice job Mr. Baldelomar! keep up the good work.
